General InformationBrandScotchCountry Of OriginUnited StatesSold AsCaseLead Time5 daysCalifornia ResidentsProposition 65 WarningDimensions and SpecificationsMaximum Operating Temperature (Celsius)130 Degree CelsiusMaximum Operating Temperature (Fahrenheit)266 Degree FahrenheitOverall Length (Imperial)3 ftOverall Length (Metric)0.91 mOverall Width (Imperial)2 inOverall Width (Metric)50.8 mmTotal Tape Thickness Without Liner (Imperial)65 milTotal Tape Thickness Without Liner (Metric)1.65 mmOverall Length Imperial3.0Total Tape Thickness Without Liner Metric1.65Width8.31 in
21.1 cmHeight11.69 in
29.7 cmLength10.91 in
27.7 cmVolume1059.3 cubic inch
17358.76 cm3Weight12.73 lb
5.77 kgOther DetailsDielectric Strength500 V/milUsage InformationApplicationInsulationMaterial and CompositionBacking (Carrier) MaterialRubberBacking Carrier MaterialRubberShelf Life1800Color and AppearanceProduct ColorBlack
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