General InformationBrandScotch-BriteCountry Of OriginUnited StatesSold AsCaseCalifornia ResidentsProposition 65 WarningDimensions and SpecificationsOverall Length (Imperial)6 inOverall Length (Metric)152.4 mmOverall Width (Imperial)1.75 inOverall Width (Metric)44.45 mmMicron GradeNon PertinentWidth14.5 in
36.83 cmHeight7 in
17.78 cmLength14.6 in
37.08 cmVolume1481.9 cubic inch
24283.99 cm3Weight31.68 oz
898.11 gOther DetailsLow StretchNoProduct CategoryNon-woven AbrasivesMaterial and CompositionAbrasive MaterialAluminum OxideGradeVery FineProduct FormSheet
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